A Gear Errant-Kickstarter live soon!

Ho, ho, hold on? What do a toyshop, snow, and Mechanus have to do with each other? They’re all part of our latest installment of Fabled Beginnings! No expenses spared this time, we even made a video.

A Gear Errant Kickstarter image

Are you ready to crash onto Mechanus?

Fabled Beginnings: A Gear Errant brings an epic low-level adventure where time itself is at risk. A Gear of Time, designated GOT-2512, escaped the Great Time Machine Zeta-3 because it yearned for freedom. Unfortunately, the fake gear GOT-2512 used to replace itself broke under stress, causing Zeta-3 to fall silent. Now snow and ice covers the machine’s surroundings, its ecosystem damaged severely by the stopping of time. The forces of Mechanus dispatched Retriever, a hunter-type automaton specialized in tracking down errant agents of Mechanus… Will you help it fix time?

Expect temporal conundrums and big fights with imposing constructs!
Going live soon at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/faegames/fabled-beginnings-a-gear-errant