Book preview available!

As mentioned in the previous update, it took a bit longer, but the first version of the PDF should be available via BackerKit. You should automatically receive an e-mail from BackerKit that New Digital Content is available.

What to expect from this version

This is of course not the final version, so what should be okay and what’s still very much in flux?

  • All the text should be in there. The setting, the locations, the adventure including stat blocks, seelie races, and sub classes should all be there. This text should be 99% final, readable, and properly formatted. If text is confusing or ambivalent, let us know.
  • Most of the art is not yet in there. Were waiting on a few last pieces.
  • Layout isn’t final. The final tweaks that all text align nicely will happen once all art is also in there
  • This also explains the enormous amount of space, especially at the end. This will be resolved once the art is edited in.
  • Additional magic items are missing. We have a bunch of them, but will put them in once we know how much space we have left to add them.

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Not much has changed since our March update, but the batch of The Corruption of Cavestar should be expected at the end of April. Every print run takes 21 days (yup…) due to the busy schedule of the printer, but everything is still on schedule.


We’ve received disappointing news from our distributor. High gas and freight prices are causing additional surcharges on shipping. We likely have to charge additional shipping fees to compensate for this. This is our second Kickstarter and we’ve already absorbed the 50% paper cost increase so there’s little we can do as a business if we want to not put ourselves out of business before delivering the product.

As things change on a weekly basis we don’t know yet how much this additional fee is going to be, but we’ll finalise this estimate when the books are printed. Though a bit worrisome, rest assured that this isn’t going to be tens of additional euros.