Thank you all, we’re having the best time!

As creators, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of watching a campaign unfold like clockwork. The start was a little slow, but the excitement of our fans was overwhelming in January. Thank you for all for backing A Gear Errant! Now you all of course want to know what’s next, so without further ado…

The timeline to after the campaign

The following steps will happen so you all will get your PDFs:

  • Kickstarter will process all payments. This can take up to 2 weeks depending on failed cards and other processing.
  • After this we can set up BackerKit for fulfilment. If your card failed on Kickstarter you can still get your pledge fixed on BackerKit!
  • Late January/Early February BackerKit goes live, notifying you all via the e-mail you provided on Kickstarter.
  • You fill in a short survey and you will get your PDFs
  • These PDFs will remain available forever via BackerKit. In case you lose them or need to download them again, you can do that there.

That’s it. No other steps are needed. If you have anymore questions; find us via your favourite platform on or