Fabled Beginnings: Mechanical Mayhem


Bored of having your players meet in an inn? Tired of having them beat up kobolds and goblins until level 3? If only sending them to hell and back wouldn’t kill them…



Bored of having your players meet in an inn? Tired of having them beat up kobolds and goblins until level 3? If only sending them to hell and back wouldn’t kill them…

Why keep interplanar travel only for high level adventures? Fabled Beginnings is a new series of one shots that offers you and your players an opportunity to explore the astral sea, feywild, hell, plane of water/fire, and more! This and each future installment of Fabled Beginnings features a few interplanar encounters, locations, and puzzles that can easily be plugged into any campaign. For €2 you will get around 5-8 pages of content and an afternoon/evening of fun. No other commitment required!

Mechanical Mayhem sets the stage for a visit to the astral sea when a hapless submarine traversing the astral sea collides with the material plane. The massive impact generates a portal to the material plane where the submarine crashes in front of the party. The crew requests their urgent help, because now the two planes are in danger of being permanently connected, with every unintended consequence that might that cause! Players of level 1 to 3 must assist the crew getting their ship back together by going out the side that’s still in the astral sea. Will they be able to retrieve the lost parts before they’re swept away?